If you draw often, you probably know that your eyes tend to get used to what you look at pretty quick, and when you come back later, you suddenly find -obvious- mistakes in your work, that you did not notice at all while drawing.
A common help with this, is holding a drawing against a mirror - to get a fresh look on it - which usually makes mistakes pop out immediately. I've known people who keep a mirror right above their drawing board, so they have a mirrored view available all the time.
If you're working digital, flipping the image horizontally has the same effect.
A while back, i've had a talk with Nicc
about Photoshop, not being able to give you a realtime mirrored preview when
drawing. It does allow opening a secondary view of a document, but as
soon as you flip one, the other will as well. I first was thinking of
writing a Photoshop plugin to make this work, but eventually ended up
making a small java application that allows recording an area of the
screen and showing a flipped (or distorted) view of it.
It's not very polished right now, but it should work fine.
Figured i post it, maybe someone else has a use for it, or is just curious.
A quick summary page for it (and downloads for mac/win/linux), can be found here.
I'd consider it an alpha build, so there might be bugs - use at your own risk -
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